Saturday, May 26, 2012

Funding initiative for planned showings


Although mentioned generally in a previous post, I want to make a new one with some specifics. My thought is to be open about my plans and intentions in hopes that being so will drive the efforts toward fulfilling them. I need to share that I cannot do it alone and need help.

So, at this point, I have 4 showings planned this year. The most immediate one is at Ziggy's bar and grill downtown and is open now. I can hang as soon as I get the funds together and purchase the components. They want me to hang indefinitely.

I am doing this as a continued expression of my spiritual gift and although am not planning on profiting, I do plan to use what proceeds come from sales coupled with investments to fuel further means of expression. Meaning = showings support more showings.

With that having been said, I want to be clear about what my heart wants to do with these shows.

Ziggy's has asked me to hang on their windows. Although, I have never done this before, and even though there has been some feat and trebidation, I am very excited. I found a product called duraclear that A&E reprographics can print my images straight onto. It is similar to a transparency, but thicker. Based on the samples I reviewed at their shop, I think the images I have chosen; spinning hubcaps, Latin swing, connected, bursting and 20,000 volts - would look awesome!!! But it costs $23.90/sq ft with UV protection and those 5 images printed (2 24x36 and 3 16x20) that brings the total, with float frames and hanging materials to about $775!!! I simply do not have access to that at this time. I can do a cheaper version, but still be out of reach currently at $195.

Next showings is Nature's Market. To be fair, I have not been inside yet, but having driven past many times, half the windows. Certainly, there will probably be some wall to hang on, but there will also be mostly window. With my estimation of about 5-8 pieces, window ones printed on duraclear, I am at about $800-1000 for this showing. Help!

Then, Hungry's Cafe will be the month of August, I will do a traditional print approach, but I want to print 2 of them large. It will be the whole 14 piece patterns in light series. Current planned cost is $450-500 (biggest cost is all new frames, its nicer than the frames I have currently).

Finally, there is Field of Greens. Its a casual restaurant, so I can use my existing frames, but 2 of them need new glass. I will print new images and the total comes to about $100.

That is all that is planned for now. Thanks for any and all help!


Friday, May 25, 2012

Works in progress

I am currently very inspired by so many artists out there. There are some great works at the moment, can't even name them here.

This is a flourishing time indeed! I love being an artist. Some series in the works for me right now are:

A Woman In Pain - focused on capturing the pain in a woman's face from everything she is doing and experiencing that is visible. Requests for participation being made...

A Crash Course - about me, my addictions, and the visible scenes created as they play out. Thought phase...

Abuse of Women - inspired in part by Taylor Gahm's ReHumanize collection, this series is focused on how women are treated in our society; themes are based on various means of oppression by our collective societal behavior, mine included. Thought phase...

Americana - focused on traditional items considered, in look, feel or both, truly American. In progress...

My life at work - documents the path I take to and from work and all in between. Certain tones are exaggerated for effect. In progress...

More to come soon...


Print sizes and media options

Most of my images are in 2x3 ratio, so I can print in any size where height/width are divisible by 2x3. (4x6, 8x12, 12x18, 20x30 etc.)

They can be printed on any medium you want; paper, plastic (duraclear), wood, metal (aluminum), fabric, acrylic vinyl, wall clings, etc. Whatever your heart desires.

Let me know if you have any questions, need pricing or are interested in something.

Please specify framed or unframed.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Assistance in sharing my gift


I am very excited about these upcoming shows and this is a really great way for me to share my gift. I am having a fear about money and am not sure how I am going to make them happen.

For all those who are interested in investing in the arts and, of course, those that love me and want to help me continue to express my gift on a larger scale, there are several ways to help.

1. Send money - I have a paypal account, linked to my address, or you can always send me a check or money order in the mail (call/email if you need my address), or simply hand it to me if you see me.

2. Discounts/Purchases - if you know someone that works at Michaels or Aaron's Brothers and can use their employee discount, you own an A&E Graphics complex or you would like to invest in the form of a purchase, please coordinate with me on the specifics.

3. Help me assemble and or transport to and or hang pictures and placards before the shows. Please coordinate with me for specifics.

4. Email me with encouragement / Come to the openings (where applicable) / View the art (Schedule in previous posts/will post any updates)

Thank you very much...

Love Jeff

BlinkBlink is submitting to the EWW online competiton!

All, BlinkBlink Photography will be submitting to the Exhibitions Without Walls online competition. See more information on their website, here,

Deadline for entry is May 31 and the winners will be decided June 20.

Stayed tuned for updates...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Launch of BlinkBlink Photography blog!

I am very excited to share that I now have a Flickr stream! See it here

I currently have 2 works hanging at Field of Greens, listed below (Heavens Above and Lake Escape)

Also, I have several upcoming showings at the following venues/dates

- July 1-31 - Natures Market (5927 Almeda Rd)
    Works to hang, to be decided
- August 1-31 - Hungry's Cafe (2356 Rice Blvd)
    Works to hang - all 14 Patterns in Light series
- Sept 1 thru Nov 30 - Field of Greens (2320 West Alabama)
   Works to hang, to be decided